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While our calls, emails and rallies were effective in delaying the vote-we still must work to defeat it once and for all.  All eyes are still on the U.S. Senate bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act and leave 22 million people without health care, all to give huge tax breaks to the wealthy and drug and insurance corporations.

We MUST continue the public outcry necessary to stop them.  Below is a list of events happening this week across the state.  Check here to find a phone bank and other upcoming events near you: http://newyorkersforhealthcare.org/  


Wednesday June 28

4 pm “Save our Healthcare Vigil,” Federal building, 15 Henry Street, Binghamton

Contact: Mary Clark, cabing@citizenactionny.org

5 pm “Save Our Healthcare” vigil, Federal building, 130 South Elmwood, Buffalo


5 pm “Save Our Healthcare” vigil, Federal building, 1 Clinton Square, Albany

Contact: Gail Cook, gail.cook@1199.org


5 pm “Save Our Healthcare” vigil, Federal building, 300 Quarropas Street, White Plains


5:30 pm “Save Our Healthcare” vigil, Federal building, Foley Square, Manhattan

Contact: Mark Hannay, metrohealth@igc.org


6 pm “Save Our Healthcare” vigil, Federal building, 100 Federal Plaza, Central Islip

Contact: Dan Fingas, dfingas@lipc.org

Thursday June 29


10 am, Leafleting, SIUH Health & Information Fair for Seniors, Midland Beach, Jefferson Avenue & Father Capodanno Blvd.


12 pm, “Save our Healthcare Vigil,” Federal Building, 10 Broad Street, Utica


4 pm. Rally, Rep. Stefanik’s office, 136 Glen Street, Glens Falls

Contact: Joe Seeman, joe.seeman@yahoo.com


Friday June 30


12 pm Rally, Rep. Faso’s office, 721 Broadway, Kingston

Contact: Callie Jayne, cjayne@citizenactionny.org

12 pm “Keep Your Independence” rally, Rep. Donovan’s office, 7308 13th Avenue, Brooklyn


3 pm Rally, Rep. Faso’s office, 2 Hudson Street, Kinderhook


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