This week and next, we are asking everyone to make calls on Wednesday for Wages. Please spread this information far and wide, get your friends, families, colleagues to make calls to your Senators, Flanagan and Klein.

Learn more about SWEAT! Secure Wages Earned Against Theft!


SWEAT! Secure Wages Earned Against Theft

CALL TO ACTION! Time is running out to get the SWEAT bill passed in the Senate. We need your help to get this done!
1. Call Leader Flanagan (518) 455-2071 and Leader Klein (518) 455-3595 and urge them to support SWEAT, S579 to get on the floor for a vote. Here’s what you can say:

“I am a NYS resident and I (state your connection to the issue of wage theft). I am calling to ask Senator

[Name] to put S579, Securing Wages Earned Against Theft (“SWEAT”), on the floor for a vote before the session ends. This bill will strengthen the existing law to protect businesses from unfair competition and help workers collect stolen wages. Wage theft is rampant in New York but exploitative employers too often hide or transfer their assets so even when workers or the Department of Labor win a court-awarded judgment, they are often unable to collect the money owed to them. This bill will help reward hard work and level the playing field for honest businesses.”

2. Share the photo on Twitter and Facebook! Suggested text for Twitter: @LeaderFlanagan @JeffKleinNY Pass SWEAT in the Senate to help workers like these! #StopWageTheft #PassTheSWEATbill
Suggested text for Facebook: Wage theft like this happens way too often in New York state. The SWEAT bill will help workers collect the wages they have earned. It time to pass the bill in the Senate! Visit for more information. #StopWageTheft #PassTheSWEATBill