Low income New Yorkers and Anti-Poverty Activists Lobby for Economic Justice 

The Empire State Economic Security Campaign ( ES2 ) is a statewide coalition of over 100 groups working to improve economic security for low income New Yorkers across a range of issues.We believe it is essential to provide equal opportunities for all New Yorkers to live a life of dignity , free from hunger, homelessness, with educational and job opportunities available to all
Now more than ever with threats to the social safety net on a federal level , we need our Governor and Legislature to create a firewall and protect our most vulnerable New Yorkers.


On March 1st, 2017, approximately 100 low income New Yorkers came to the Capital for a day of sharing their personal stories with their Legislators. Anti-Poverty activists from Hunger Action Network of NYS, Empire Justice , Urban Justice , Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies, Welfare Rights Initiative, Neighbors Together, Fiscal Policy Institute, Hunger Free NYC, Sisters of St. Josephs , Center for Independence of the Disabled NY, Focus Churches, Campaign for New York Health and other activists from around the State joined them.

A budget is a moral document that reflects the values of the government it represents .  Where the money is allocated reveals what is a priority. New York State needs to extend the millionaires tax to ensure the necessary revenue for the programs that help those in need and will provide a road map out of poverty. 


The opportunity for legislators to hear from those that are directly impacted brings an urgency to the message. The need for adequate funding to feed our hungry, solutions to the homeless epidemic, affordable health care and accessible education can not be underscored.


New York State has the highest income inequality in the country. We need a budget that stops robbing the poor to feed the rich.  Our message was clear. We can only hope that our voices were heard,