Hunger Action Network of New York Volunteer of the Year

Steve Auerbach

Steve has been instrumental in the public promotion of Hunger Action Network. Steve lends his marketing and advertising expertise to help us with our fundraising and public relation activities. He also goes above and beyond in helping at the fundraisers with everything from promoting the events digitally and on radio, set up, to greeting people and clean up.  Steve Auerbach is a constant resource for the organization whose talents are greatly appreciated.

Steve’s background spans 40 years in national television. Mr. Auerbach was in charge of the Network Television departments for Baker & Spielvogel, Ally & Gargano and DeWitt Media before opening up his own company, Auerbach &Co. with Nike and Microsoft as his clients.

Steve has also worked at BBD&O, Ted Bates and other top agencies in their time. Auerbach’s client list has included Miller Beer, Reebok, Master Card, Saab, Colgate Palmolive and many other top advertisers. Steve has also done extensive media buying for political and advocacy campaigns.

Auerbach helped establish syndicated television programming as an accepted vehicle for advertisers.

In the quest to have a showcase sports event for Reebok, Auerbach called ESPN and asked them to create a Sports Awards show that resulted in the creation of the ESPY’S Awards. To this day, Steve Auerbach is credited with the creation of this prestigious program.

Most recently Steve took a leadership role in the battle against hydro fracking in NYS.  Working with the Zimet Group, Auerbach and Company was writer and creative director of the   “I Love My NY Water” featuring Ethan Hawke, Mark Ruffalo, Josh Charles, Amy Ryan, Zoe Saldana and Nadia Dajani. Auerbach then followed up with “My Hero-NY Water Rangers” featuring Adam Lefevre. Both productions can be seen on YouTube. or on the Auerbach and Company website

A heartfelt thank you to Steve!!!